Minggu, 25 Februari 2018


1.1  School Profile
a.    Location
The school is located at 458 M.3 Phitsanulok-Uttaraditr Rd. T.Samokhae A. Muang Phitsanulok 65000; telephone number: +66-55-223-300, +66-98-750-1140, +66-65-216-1150; fax number: +66-55-987-058; website: http://www.teeratada.ac.th. 

b.   History and Background
          Teeratada Phitsanulok school is a private school in Phitsanulok that  established at 1996 and the teaching and learning process start on June 9th 1997. Teeratada was first opened only for the owner’s children, before it was officially opened on 1997. The first time opened, it had 56 students from Kinder Garten 1 until Mattayom 1.
          Philosophies of Teeratada Phitsanulok School are:
1.    Everyone must life based on their own religion.
2.    We have to love our neighbor like ourselves
3.    We have a wisdom like a wise man.
4.    We have to understand the balance of the environment of our life.

The meaning of “TEERATADA” :
Teera     : Wise
Tada     : The hand of the people who create a wise

c.    Vision
Teeratada for educational quality towards internationalization

d.   Mission
To create personel atmosphere and environment for the benefit of Teeratada
e.    Goals
1.    The best in subject for future
2.    The best way to get a good career
3.    The best one to get a good life skills
f.      Identity
1.    Discipline
2.    Long life learning
3.    Be ready for life situations

1.2  Academic Support System
a.       Classroom
-          Elementary School / Prattom
Prattom 1
Prattom 2
Prattom 3
Prattom 4
Prattom 5
Prattom 6

-          Junior High School / Mattayom
Mattayom 1
Mattayom 2
Mattayom 3

b.      Lobby                                      j. Science laboratory               
c.       Library                                                k. Computer laboratory
d.      Assembly hall                          l. Meeting room
e.       Swimming pool                       m. Talent show stage
f.       Football field                          n. Projector
g.      Basketball field                       o. Activity books
h.      Music room                             p. Canteen
i.        Monitoring room                     q. Dormitory

1.3  Teaching System
a.       Subject
1.        Prattom 1-6             : English, math in Thai, math in English, science in Thai, science in English, Thai language
2.        Mattayom 1-3         : English, math in Thai, math in English, science, Thai language, social, history
In addition, the students have the other subjects such as computer, music, and swim, chineese language, cooking class. The, for mattayom 3, they must pass the IELTS and get minimum score 4.5, and pass the Chineese language test

b.      Schedule
The teaching and learning process are held 5 days a week, on Monday until Friday. It starts on 7.30-16.00, and the daily schedules are     :
1.      (07:30-08:30)          Hoikong activity
2.      (08:30-10:10)          Study in classroom
3.      (10:10-10:20)          Break time
4.      (10:20-12:00)          Study in classroom
5.      (12:00-13:00)          Lunch
6.      (13:00-14:30)          Study in classroom
7.      (14:30-14:40)          Break time
8.      (14:40-16:00)          Study in classroom
9.      (17:00)                    Dinner, especially for boarding student
Moreover, if the students have a homework they will finish the homework at school before back to home.
c.       Uniform
1.      Monday      : White and blue
2.      Tuesday      : Sports clothe
3.      Wednesday : Boy scout
4.      Thursday     : Sport clothes
5.      Friday         : White and blue

d.      House
The students in Teeratada Phitsanulok School are divided into four houses and every houses have their own spesific colour such as :
1.      Victorino         : Red
2.      Luciano           : Orange
3.      Trevor              : Green
4.      Amity              : Blue

1.4  Materials and other Learning Sources

a.       Activity books (grammar book for english subject)
b.      Projector
c.       Laptop
d.      Whiteboard
e.       Quizezz

1.5  Measurement and Evaluation System
Teeratada Phitsanulok School has 8 levels in measuring and evaluating as follows :

Score Range
Very good
Fairly good
Rather satisfactory
They have a ratio for assessing and scoring as follows :
Score before the final examination : final examination = 70 : 30

Test / assignment
Test / assignment
Final examination

         In Basic Education Core Curriculum 2008, learning assessment can be divided into four levels, i.e., classroom level, educational institution level, educational service area level and national level, details of which are as follow.

1. Classroom assessment
Measurement and evaluation are part of the learning process. Teachers regularly and continuously measure and evaluate students’ performance in teaching-learning activities by using diverse assessment techniques, e.g., asking questions, observing, examining homework, assessing projects, tasks/assignments and portfolios, and using written tests, etc.
2. School assessment
This evaluation is conducted by the educational institution in order to appraise the learners’ achievements on an annual/semester basis, based on assessment of reading, analytical thinking and writing, desirable characteristics, and learner development activities. The aim is also to obtain relevant information about whether education provided by the educational institution has enabled learners to reach their goals of learning, and what are the learners’ strengths.
3. Local assessment
Evaluation is conducted in order to assess learners’ quality at educational service area level, based on the learning standards prescribed in the Basic Education Core Curriculum. It is aimed at obtaining basic information required for developing quality of education provided by the educational service area as mandated.
4. National test
Evaluation is conducted in order to assess learners’ quality at national level, based on the learning standards prescribed in the Basic Education Core Curriculum. Educational institutions are required to arrange for assessment of all students in Grades 3, 6, 9 and 12. The evaluation results will provide relevant data for comparing educational quality at different levels, which will be useful for planning in order to raise the quality of education provided. The data obtained will also support decision-making at national policy level.

1.6  Curriculum

The curriculum of Teeratada Phitsanulok School is based on the ministry of education that is Basic Education Core Curriculum 2008. The Basic Education Core Curriculum 2008 thus prepared will undoubtedly provide all educational service area offices, local offices and basic education institutions under jurisdiction of various agencies with an appropriate framework and guidance for preparing the pertinent curriculum. The basic education to be provided to all Thai children and youths will be of higher quality in regard to acquisition of essential knowledge and skills required for learners’ lives in the constantly changing society.
The Basic Education Core Curriculum focuses on learners’ development for attainment of the following desirable characteristics, enabling learners to enjoy a life of harmony among others as Thai citizens and global citizens:
1.      Love of nation, religion and king
2.      Honesty and integrity
3.      Self-discipline
4.      Avidity for learning
5.      Observance of principles of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in one’s way of life
6.      Dedication and commitment to work
7.      Cherishing Thai-ness
8.      Public-mindedness

Observance of the principles of development of the brain and multiple intelligence is required to achieve learners’ balanced development. The Basic Education Core Curriculum has therefore prescribed the following eight learning areas:
1.      Thai Language
2.      Mathematics
3.      Science
4.      Social Studies, Religion and Culture
5.      Health and Physical Education
6.      Arts
7.      Occupations and Technology
8.      Foreign Languages.

In regard to learning management enabling learners to attain the quality as prescribed in the curriculum goals, teachers and learners should play the following roles.

A.     Roles of teachers

Teachers should:
1) Study and analyse individual learners, and then use the data obtained for planning learning management in order to stimulate and challenge the learners’ capacities;
2) Set the targets to be achieved by the learners in regard to knowledge, skills, process of conceptualisation, principles, relationships as well as desirable characteristics;
3) Design and organise learning responsive to individual differences and different levels of brain development, so as to enable the learners to attain the goals of learning;
4) Provide an ambience and atmosphere conducive to learning, and provide necessary care and assistance enabling the learners to learn;
5) Prepare and utilise media that are suitable to the activities organised, and avail of local wisdom and appropriate technologies for teaching-learning activities;
6) Assess the learners’ progress through a variety of methods suitable to the intrinsic nature of the subjects and the learners’ developmental level; and
7) Analyse assessment results for remedial and developmental measures for the learners’ benefit, as well as improve their own teaching-learning methods and activities.

B.     Roles of learners

Learners should:
1) Set the goals of learning, make plans and take responsibility for their own learning;
2) Seek knowledge, make serious efforts to access learning resources, analyse and synthesise bodies of knowledge, raise questions and search for answers or problem solutions through various methods;
3) Take action, draw conclusions regarding what has been learnt, and apply the knowledge gained to various situations;
4) Interact, work and join in activities organised by their peers and their teachers;
5) Continuously assess and improve their own learning process.

            On the Basic Education Core Curriculum 2008 there is no spesific subject for English but English subject is including into foreign languange system. The foreign language constituting basic learning content that is prescribed for the entire basic education core curriculum is English, while for other foreign languages, e.g., French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Pali and languages of neighbouring countries, it is left to the discretion of educational institutions to prepare courses and provide learning management as appropriate.

The learning area for foreign languages is aimed at enabling learners to acquire a favourable attitude towards foreign languages, the ability to use foreign languages for communicating in various situations, seeking knowledge, engaging in a livelihood and pursuing further education at higher levels. Learners will thus have knowledge and understanding of stories and cultural diversity of the world community, and will be able to creatively convey Thai concepts and culture to the global society. The main contents include:
1.      Language for Communication: use of foreign languages for listening, speaking, reading and writing, exchanging data and information, expressing feelings and opinions, interpreting, presenting data, concepts and views on various matters, and creating interpersonal relationships appropriately
2.      Language and Culture: use of foreign languages harmonious with culture of native speakers; relationships, similarities and differences between languages and cultures of native speakers; languages and cultures of native speakers and Thai culture; and appropriate application
3.      Language and Relationship with Other Learning Areas: use of foreign languages to link knowledge with other learning areas, forming the basis for further development, seeking knowledge and broadening learners’ world views
4.      Language and relationship with Community and the World: use of foreign languages in various situations, both in the classroom and the outside community and the global society, forming a basic tool for further education, livelihood and exchange of learning with the global society

1.7  Teaching Plan

Lesson Plan

Subject                        : English                                              Class        : Pratom 4               
Topic              : Past Simple of Regular Verbs           Teacher   : Suci Sartika Putri

1.      Concept
The lesson will help the students to understand about how to use past simple of regular verbs in the real situations

2.      Learning Objective
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand about past simple of regular verbs and use it correctly in real situations

3.      Lesson Content
A.    Past form
B.     Formula of simple past tense
C.     Examples

4.      Learning Activities
A.    Preparing the class
B.     Explaining the rules of the class (Thai language is not allowed in English class)
C.     Checking students’ vocabularies that use past form
D.    Spelling some words in past form
E.     Explaining the materials, such as the formula of simple past tense
F.      Explaining the regular verbs
G.    Giving the examples of past simple past and the regular verbs
H.    Testing the ability of students’ about simple regular verbs by using search words
I.       Evaluating
J.       Giving homework

5.      Teaching Materials, Supplementary materials, Resources.
A.    Book (Grammar One)
B.     Worksheet (Search word)
C.     Whiteboard
6.      Lesson Evaluation
A.    Worksheet to assess students’ comprehension on the topic discussed
B.     Oral assessment
C.     Class participant
D.    Behavior and attention in class
7.      Test/Pass
1.      Accurancy of the students’ in writing the vocabulary
2.      Accurancy of the students’ answers the worksheet  
8.      Lesson / Lesson Plan Evaluation

Prepared by

Suci Sartika Putri
Practicum Teacher

Checked by

Adelaida Tabbu-Velasco
Head of Department

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