Minggu, 25 Februari 2018


2.1     Teaching Methods
          English teachers in Teeratada Phitsanulok School generally they use presentation methods in teaching process. Especially in english class, they are more concern about how to develop english ability of student through increasing the vocabulary. First, they will check students’ vocabulary through warming up and then they present about the topic that they want to teach. It is as the first step to introduce the topic to the students. It can be oral explanation or commonly they use Projector and PowerPoint to make students easier to understand about the topic Second, they will give some examples to make it clear. Moreover when I was practice teaching I did some games that has relation with the topic, because I thought that study through a game will be more funny. In addition the teacher in Teeratada Phitsanulok School are always evaluate students’ comprehension about the topic. These activities, are purposed to build the students’ comprehension about the topic. Not only in reading and listening skills but sometimes they do exercise to check students’ ability in speaking

2.2 Learning Materials and Innovation
          The teachers use materials based on Basic core curriculum, syllabus, and English Grammar Books. There are Three Grammar Books, Grammar Book One, Two and Three created by Jennifer Seidl from Oxford University. For students in Pratom they use grammar book one and two, and for the students in mattayom they use grammar book 3. Then, the teacher in Teeratada Phitsanulok School are often use QUIZEZZ app to give the exercise for the students. The using of the projector to study help the teacher to make some innovations while they are in teaching process.

2.3 Sources of learning and Technology
          The grammar books being the source of learning in English class at Teeratada Phitsanulok school. Every grade of students have their own level of course book, for example for Mattayom 1/Grade 7 they use English Grammar Book Two, and for Mattayom 2/Grade 8 they use English Grammar Book Three. Moreover, they will give some informations that related to the topic from internet or e-books.
          In Teeratada Phitsanulok School, technology are the ordinary thing, not only for teachers, but also for the students. Especially in learning activity, they use QUIZEZZ app to the projects such as exercises and homework for student based on internet learning activities. It means that students and teachers in Teeratada Phitsanulok School are very good in using internet technology especially QUIZEZZ app and internet.

2.4 Authentic Assessment
The foundation of authentic assessment revolves around evaluating of the students’ comprehension and ability to apply what they have learned in English to the “real world” conversation. Authentic assessment English tests focus on the students’ analytical skills and the ability to integrate what they have learned along their comprehension with written and oral skills. English tests also focus for the students’ understanding in English skill to pass IELTS as the part of their graduation system. Six ways to use authentic assessment math in the classroom based on my observation are performance assessment, short investigations, open-response questions, self-assessment, multiple-choice questions, and project learning based on internet.

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